EETS Conciliation Body

Eichler Kern Klein Attorneys-at-Law has been entrusted with the task of acting as an EETS Clearing House by the Federal Republic of Germany. The Chairman of the Mediation Office is Oliver Kern, attorney-at-law. His deputy is Hannah Rubin, attorney at law.

The authorities responsible for levying tolls in the Federal Republic and the individual states, as well as the registered providers of road toll services, may request mediation from the Mediation Agency within the scope of their duties pursuant to Section 28 et seq. of the German Toll System Act (MautSysG) for mediation. The mediation body is tasked with facilitating mediation between the respective competent authorities and the registered providers in the event of disputes in connection to the authorization pursuant to Section 10 of the MautSysG and the restricted authorization pursuant to Section 11 of the MautSysG. In particular, the mediation body is authorized to verify that the contractual terms and conditions imposed on providers by the authorities responsible for levying a toll at federal and state levels do not discriminate and that providers of toll services are remunerated in accordance with Section 10a of the MautSysG