Workshop series of the digitalakademie@bw

Municipalities in the cloud

On May 15, 2024, the workshop series for municipalities on the path to digital transformation started - virtually and on-site at the Fraunhofer IAO - Center for Virtual Engineering in Stuttgart-Vaihingen. Dipl.-Kfm. Jens Leyh from Fraunhofer IAO, Dr. Thomas Schuster and Dr. Hannah Rubin gave an initial overview of the typical challenges in the procurement of cloud-based services and took away questions, requests for more in-depth information and initial experiences of the participants in order to address these in the planned further (also hybrid) workshops:

Workshop 2: Needs analysis in procedural and technical terms on July 17, 2024

Workshop 3: Legal and regulatory guidelines for e-government solutions

Workshop 4: Market exploration and cooperation

Workshop 5: Implementation in specifications and tender documents

Workshop 6: Exchange of experience and evaluation (approx. 3 - 4 weeks after workshop 5)

We look forward to a further exciting exchange!

You can find more information here.